New California DIR Website
Here's what we know about what's going on with the new DIR website.
Please use Help --> Check for Updates OFTEN, as we are releasing updates constantly as we discover problems with uploads to the new DIR system. We are having to make modifications to things that have worked accurately and reliably since 2015!
If you are having issues uploading your certified payroll data into the "new California DIR website" - just be patient and let DIR get the kinks worked out! Please contact DIR if you are experiencing issues with their website.
When the notice back in February about DIR's plans to revamp the Public Works website services including the eCPR system, we immediately got in touch with our contact person at DIR. We were assured that nothing was going to change in the actual XML file that CPS creates, the only change would be where & how you submit the upload files.
NOTE: For anyone that's been a customer for 9-10 years, you might remember that DIR first created their online system in 2015, but there were so many problems with it that it didn't get totally straightened out until 2016.
We know very little about the new system, other than what we've seen in this video There is a NEW VIDEO to watch, it can be found here (lots of comments on this new video) and instructions for submitting an XML file -
We will be getting in touch with our DIR contact again to verify that they really didn't change anything in the XML file.
Please contact DIR if you are experiencing issues with their website.
- If you know you had CPS create the XML file for this job
- If you open the XML file and see your information (browse to folder, find XML file, right click on the file and choose Open with Notepad)
- If you selected the file that you just looked at to upload
- And you get a blank screen (which many people have reported), only some of the information uploaded (we've had reports that employee names and fringes were not being submitted), or anything else that's ODD
- It's the DIR site that's having the issue
Here's what we know at this point.
DIR has extended mandatory use of the eCPR system until roughly the end of June 2025 - even though the still "encourage" you to continue using the system in the meantime.
Everyone is still experiencing the issues mentioned below.
We have no new information to provide at this time, like you - we are still waiting.
The following notice now appears ONLY on main Public Works page of the DIR website at announcing a pause in eCPR enforcement for a minimum of 6 months.
From what we understand from this notice, even though there is a pause as far as enforcement is concerned - you should continue to use the new eCPR system.
If you want further clarification (because we DO NOT have all the answers) please contact DIR via Email:
833-LCO-INFO (833-526-4636)
We have emailed two different people at DIR asking for updated instructions for creating the xml file and we've heard NOTHING! We specifically asked for clarification on - how hourly fringes are added to/included in the XML file for Overtime and Doubletime hours because there is only one section for reporting fringes.
At this point, in order to comply with the DIR requirements for reporting the hourly values of the fringe benefits - you must follow these setup instructions for the Audit Friendly version of the DIR A-1-131 paper form. Here's the problem - because there is only 1 section in the XML file for reporting fringes - they only come over with the Straight Time hours.
Other Withholdings that are deducted from the Employee paycheck that are NOT a tax, for example Child Support, employee health insurance deduction, any sort of garnishment, and a Vacation, Dues, Training, etc. deduction MUST be classified in CPS in Linked Data --> Deductions as Other Withholding in the top half of the window and a type of Other Withholding must be selected in the lower half of this window.
Please use Help --> Check for Updates OFTEN, as we are releasing updates constantly as we discover problems with uploads to the new DIR system. We are having to make modifications to things that have worked accurately and reliably since 2015!
Version 5.0.999 released, fixes:
- no straight time rate of pay in LCPtracker uploads.
- removes the total amount of Other Withholding from the DIR XML Upload, however, the total of Other Withholding is still displayed on printed reports. Other Withholdings is anything deducted from the Employee paycheck that is NOT a tax, for example Child Support, employee health insurance deduction, any sort of garnishment, and a Vacation deduction. The DIR system was reading Other Withholding as a fringe benefit and throwing things off.
So it seems that DIR is working on fixing the mess that they created - which is good to see.
I spent 3 hours on the phone with a customer today who volunteered to be my guinea pig and let me try to upload our XML file. The "new, improved, more modern" system is NOT as easy to use as the old system - watch the video below.
This is what you need to do:
- Download & install the latest version of CPS (Help --> Check for Updates--> opens a browser window -->CLICK THE DOWNLOAD CURRENT CPS SETUP/INSTALLATION BUTTON --> run the installer) This must be done on EACH computer where the CPS program is installed! We will not provide version numbers to update to in this document as we anticipate several updates as DIR continues to update their end. Don't know what version you're running or if you need to update? This information is available in your browser AFTER you click Help--> Check for Updates:
- DIR REPORTING REQUIREMENTS HAVE CHANGED! DIR now wants hourly values/rates of fringes reported instead of total fringe contributions for the week. We have been urging everyone for almost a year to setup & use the Audit Friendly A-1-131 Form (Linked Data menu --> Jobs --> Edit a job -->Form Options tab --> Form to Use Drop Down menu --> Audit Friendly A-1-131). If you are not printing this form, then you must follow these setup instructions!
- You WILL need to rerun any reports that have not been uploaded to DIR in order to get an updated & correct XML file.
- There will be a $500 setup fee if you cannot follow these setup instructions and desire 1-on-1 help.
Once you have installed the update and followed the setup instructions, you will once again be able to upload our XML file into the DIR website - but it's NOT pretty or easy - watch the video below to see how it's done. This is NOT the best video I've ever created, but it's way better than anything DIR has done.
- DIR Project Number, Contract Number, and Project ID may have changed! Look up your project in the DIR project lookup and compare these numbers to the information you've entered into CPS in Linked Data menu --> Jobs --> Edit a job --> Standard Information & Additional Information tabs. We strongly advise that you enter the DIR Project Name (exactly as shown on the DIR site) in the Standard Information tab --> Print Name As field.
- After you log into your DIR account to submit payrolls, you'll see a list of jobs that you are "linked" to. If you see the same job listed more than once (as shown in the video above) you will have trouble. We suggest that you contact DIR for assistance as they need to clean up their database!
- If jobs you are working on are MISSING in your account, you must search the PROJECTS menu option --> Find the Job --> and request that you be linked to it.
- When clicking on a listed job and choosing Upload new eCPR, you will need to select your own company name and then also enter project information - sometime you will need to enter the project name other times you'll need to enter the project number - there is no consistency (see video above)
- If you have payrolls set to DRAFT you must either amend/correct the report or contact DIR to have them remove it BEFORE you can submit a new report (see video)
- Gross Wages this Job/Project on DIR's report COMBINES the hourly wage PLUS the total hourly value of fringe benefits and then multiplies it by the number of hours worked.
- Net Wages Paid for the week will match the employees Net Paycheck
- Social Security and Medicare amounts are combined on the DIR Report under FICA
- CHECK THE DIR GENERATED REPORT against a printed Audit Friendly A-1-131 form from CPS to ensure accuracy.
- You can encounter slight rounding errors where Net Wages on the DIR Report are a penny or two different than Net Wages on the printed report. We have no idea why this is happening - DIR must be doing it's own calculations somewhere in the background. Report it to DIR as an error, there is NOTHING we can do about it.
So, we're sure you all know that DIR sent out an email blast talking about the Recent Updates to the Public Works Only System on 8/14/24.
We specifically want to address the updates to item #2 in their email about the eCPR Employee Notes section updates"
We're sure that many of you may feel these updates have something to do with the XML upload and we'd like to set the record straight. This update must be for the manual eCPR system (where you manually type in your payroll information) - because there have been no changes or updates to the XML schema, CPR XML guidelines, or the sample XML file. All of these files still reflect the original January 2016 requirements.
Until such time as DIR makes & announces changes to the XML Upload system our hands are tied and we can do nothing to help you.
There is a NEW VIDEO to watch, it can be found here
There are lots of comments on this new video, but the most interesting comment is this:
(I'm guessing that ABC is Associated Builders & Contractors).
Other comments seem to indicate that you'll need to manually enter your payroll via the form found here - and clicking on the green "Enter Payroll Online" button. However, according to the comments there are issues with manually entering payroll as well.
XML files created by Foundation, eMars, and LCPtracker are also not working, according to comments under the video.
Just had a report from a customer who was successfully able to upload an XML file yesterday!
Could this be over????
It's the end of the month and everything is still a MESS! We tried to get a hold of our contact at DIR to see if anything in the XML file really did change (even though we were told there were no changes), but it seems that he's on vacation until 8/14.
- Still reports of incomplete information being read when an XML file is uploaded.
- Another user reports that when she attempts to log into her online account, she receives a message that her password isn't correct. When she hits the reset password option, she receives another message stating that an email was sent to reset the password - which she never receives.
- Folks have said they've submitted numerous bug reports and all they get is an email stating “This is a known issue, and we are actively working on an update to resolve it”
Our advise...........
Print paper reports and send them to the GC or whoever you contracted the work with, until this whole mess blows over. You'll probably still need to upload XML files once the system is functioning again.
As far as we know, the DIR eCPR system is still not functional.
It appears, based on customer reports, that even though you select & upload the XML file at the website their system indicates that there is no attachment found - OR some users report that employee names, employee social security numbers, and fringes are not being populated, as well as many other odd things.
We just became aware that SOME Project ID #'s are now 11-digits (instead of 10). Please use Help --> Check for updates --> and download/install the latest version of the CPS program. You will then need to go into the DIR project lookup for each of your jobs and find the new 11-digit Project ID # and update that information in CPS from the Linked Data menu --> Jobs --> Select & Edit each job --> click the Additional Info tab and enter the new 11-digit # in the Project ID box at the bottom of this screen. Be sure to save your changes! While this WILL NOT resolve the issues mentioned above, it will help you to submit your reports once DIR has things straightened out on their end.
We've also been informed that LCPtracker is also experiencing issues with the XML file that they create that can then be uploaded into the DIR system. LCPtracker is a California based company (who probably has direct access to DIR employees) and if they are also having problems, it stands to reason that the DIR site is the one with the problem, not either of us.
So much for DIR telling us that "nothing had changed"! Prepare for a rocky ride as we continue to learn new things and put out updates for the CPS software.
We received information from a customer that the DIR site was officially down and that even DIR could not access their own site.
We will continue to provide updated information as soon as we are made aware.
This message is displayed on the DIR website at - alerting you that the system is experiencing technical difficulties and is not yet fully functional. At this point we believe this is the only page that provides any information about what's going on with the system - and it's vague!
We received this information via email from DIR (all California customers should have received this same info between 6/27 & 6/28/24)
Technical issues are currently preventing use of the public works registration system.
Please wait until Monday, July 1, 2024 to access the system.
Please be assured that contractors will not be penalized for any failure to comply with the public works registration or eCPR requirements as a result of technical issues which are beyond their control due to the rollout of the updated new public works contractor registration and eCPR systems.
In addition, we ask that awarding agencies consider these technical difficulties in the administration of their public works projects. Specifically, awarding agencies may be unable to confirm whether a contractor is properly registered until these issues are resolved.
We appreciate your patience as we are actively working to address these issues. This affects contractors who register and renew their registrations, those who submit electronic certified payroll records and registration of new public works projects by funding entities (awarding bodies). We will continue to provide further updates as they become available. We recommended you wait until Monday July 1, 2024 to access the public works website system.
The foregoing has been provided for informational purposes & doesn’t constitute legal advice nor may it be relied upon or used as an official opinion of the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). Access to, transmission or receipt of, or reliance upon this information from the DLSE doesn’t create nor intend to create an attorney/client relationship between you or any other person & the DLSE.
All of this just went live on Monday 6/24/24 and already we've had customers reporting issues.
Based on the fact that we were assured that nothing in the XML file was going to change, we can only assume that any/all problems you encounter are withing the DIR systems themselves - after all the system is only 3 days old at this point.
For anyone that's been a customer for 9-10 years, you might remember that DIR first created their online system in 2015, but there were so many problems with it that it didn't get totally straightened out until 2016.
We know very little about the new system, other than what we've seen in this video and instructions for submitting an XML file -
We will be getting in touch with our DIR contact again to verify that they really didn't change anything in the XML file.
Please contact DIR if you are experiencing issues with their website.
- If you know you had CPS create the XML file for this job
- If you open the XML file and see your information
- If you selected the file that you just looked at to upload
- And you get a blank screen (which many people have reported)
- It's the DIR site that's having the issue
Special Announcements:
- New WH-347 form Expires 1/31/2028
- Compatibility with New Jersey Wage Hub CSV Upload
- New California DIR Website
- QuickBooks Desktop 2021 software will be discontinued
- Why We Aren't Compatible With QuickBooks Online
- Can I run your software on Right Networks?
- Compatibility for AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload for Connecticut DOT Released.
- Alaska Department of Labor-LLS Online Certified Payroll Update
- Nevada DOT AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload Available
- Upgraded to QuickBooks 2023/2024 and having issues?