Matching QuickBooks Paycheck Totals With Certified Payroll Report Totals
A guide for verifying and troubleshooting the accuracy of your final certified payroll reports before you submit them is an important step in your overall success in using Certified Payroll Solution and getting paid on time. TIP: on the Federal WH-347 form the dollar amounts from Gross Wages All Jobs through Net Wages for the week SHOULD match the QuickBooks paycheck.
This mini-manual focuses on the Federal WH-347 form - which everyone has access to, 99% of the time, if the WH-347 form is accurate, any other state specific form that you are required to complete will be also. It will teach you how to:
Match your QuickBooks paycheck totals with your Certified Payroll Report totals and correct the 6 most common problems, based on over 10 years worth of support calls:
1. When employee Work Classifications are not correct
2. When Straight Time and Overtime hours do not show correctly, are displayed under 2 different Work Classifications, or are missing
3. When Column 6 does not display the correct base rate of pay and/or cash fringe rate
4. When Gross Amount Earned ALL JOBS (the lower number in Column 7) does not match the total Earnings PLUS any Additions included on the paycheck
5. When Total Deductions do not match the Taxes PLUS any Deductions withheld on the employees paycheck AND when Net Wages Paid for Week (Column 9) does not match the amount of the paycheck
6. When the "Other Deductions Key Coding" does not accurately reflect the deductions taken from the employee paychecks
Verify where every piece of information on both the Certified Payroll Report AND the Statement of Compliance comes from so there are no "empty" spaces or missing information
This 37-page document is divided into 3 sections and procedures for matching your paycheck totals with your final certified payroll report totals. The procedures are different depending on how you pay the fringe benefit portion of the prevailing wage:
- Full fringe amount is paid to the employee as part of gross hourly wage
- Full fringe amount is paid to a Union or into a bona-fide plan
- A portion of the full fringe is paid to a bona-fide plan and the balance is paid to the employee in cash
Download your copy of pdf Certified Payroll Solution - Troubleshooting Accuracy & Blank Spots on Reports today.
Special Announcements:
- New WH-347 form Expires 1/31/2028
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- New California DIR Website
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- Compatibility for AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload for Connecticut DOT Released.
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- Upgraded to QuickBooks 2023/2024 and having issues?