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Important Announcements:


8/18/23 - The software that our website is built on underwent a major upgrade.  As with many upgrades, things break!  We're still working diligently to correct the problems, but this is a HUGE website with almost 23 years of information.  We appreciate your patience.  

California eCPR (Electronic Certified Payroll) for QuickBooks

As most of you are aware, the California DIR's (Department of Industrial Relations) electronic certified payroll reporting (eCPR) system has been updated with new requirements in place for public works projects awareded on or after April 1, 2015.  The new eCPR system became effective on 6/4/2015.

The new eCPR requirements involve submitting an XML file and replaces the previous .pdf upload.  XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a file format which can be read by both humans and machines.  This language, in my opinion, is far easier for a machine to read than a human!

Compatibility Virginia DOT AASHTO Trns•port® Payroll Spreadsheet

Virginia DOT has teamed up with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and is now requiring ALL prime and subcontractors working on VDOT projects with federal funding to submit certified payrolls into the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights and Labor™ (CRL) Management System.

You can create this spreadsheet with most of the data filled in by Certified Payroll Solution; however, there is NO WAY to provide this as a 100% accurate form that can be submitted due to complicated requirements. You will need to check this form carefully before submitting it.

Montana Certified Payroll - QuickBooks

Montana Certified Payroll Reporting Requirements

certified payroll solutionMontana follows the reporting requirements established by the U.S. Department of Labor and file the Federal WH-347 certified payroll form.

Montana Department of Transportation requires ALL prime and subcontractors working on DOT projects with federal funding to submit certified payrolls into the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights and Labor™ (CRL) Management System.

NOTE:  Historically, the Federal WH-347 is revised every three (3) years.

This page provides you with a quick 10-minute Audio/Video overview of how Certified Payroll Solution will interface with and use your existing QuickBooks data to produce the final reports which provides you with an overview of setup & use.

How to use this page:

  1. Click on the 1st image in the Demonstration(s) column to watch a 10-minute Audio/Video which will provide you with a general overview of how Certified Payroll Solution works with your QuickBooks data to produce the final certified payroll reporting forms.
  2. Click on the image(s) in the Certified Payroll Report Form(s)column to view full-sized reports that have been generated with Certified Payroll Solution.
  3. Click on the image(s) in the Statement of Compliance/Sign-off Sheet(s) column to view full-sized "sign-off" sheets that have been created with Certified Payroll Solution - ready for your signature.

Montana Certified Payroll Forms & Demonstrations:


Certified Payroll Report Form(s)

Statement of Compliance/Sign-off Sheet(s)

How Does Certified Payroll Solution Work?
10-minute Audio/Video Demo


 U. S. Department of Labor (Federal) WH-347 Form

wh-347 form

Statement of Compliance for WH-347


free 30-day trial available

Free, fully functional, 30-day trials available upon request.

free training available

Comprehensive self-paced training is available free of charge, from the  Certified Payroll Solution Training, Support & Resource Center



Our Take on Windows 10, QuickBooks and our software

Windows 10 has been out roughly a month.  And yes, Microsoft is offering up a FREE Upgrade - so who can resist?  Right?

Here is our take on Windows 10 - don't be in such a rush that you have to be one of the first to upgrade!

We have done SOME initial LIMITED compatibility testing with our software and so far everything appears to be running fine.  Some customers have already upgraded (without even contacting us to ASK if our software is compatible).  Some had issues and expected us to fix it NOW - others appear to be running fine.  BUT..........

QuickBooks 2016 Bug Affects Many Add-On products

Apparently Intuit made a bigger change in the underlying database than we had been told. They moved from Sybase 11 up to Sybase 16.  Along the way, something was broken. HOPEFULLY this is the only break, but we don't know yet.  Right now, the following error ONLY has been reported by those using QuickBooks Enterprise 16.0

If an SDK add-on program performs a "customer query" (which ALL of our programs do), QuickBooks will crash.

Word is that it is going to take Intuit awhile to get this fixed - probably with the release of R4P (which has historically been late November to mid-December).

QuickBooks 2016 Compatibility Announced

Well it's that time of year again......

Intuit has released the QuickBooks 2016 line of products (Pro, Premier and Enterprise), however, this year it was done very quietly and without their usual big announcements and marketing push as in prior years.